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Old 07-29-2011, 03:41 PM   #7
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Re: 1979 Chevrolet Bonanza SWB 1/2 Ton

So I'm rolling and feeling quite good about the progress I have made on my Bonanz... Then disaster strikes. I rear end a 2010 Honda Civic on my commute to work. EFFFFF Word!!! This is the first and only vehicle collision I have ever been involved with in my 12 years of driving. Nothing major happened, the truck is still fully operational, no one was injured, it just left my truck a little dinged up.
  • Front Driver-Side Quarter Panel was crunched...
  • DS Headlight bezel was crushed...
  • DS Side Marker light was smashed...
  • Front Bumper was twisted and bent beyond recovery...
  • Grill was cracked up more than it's prior brittle state...

I was completely disgusted with myself. All I could see were the dollars being flushed due to my careless driving. $$$$ for BS. Also, my truck's straight body was one of the only things it had going for it. Now it was an embarrassment... The build must go on...

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