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Old 07-29-2011, 06:56 PM   #24
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Location: Highett, Victoria
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Re: G'day from Down Under

Originally Posted by Classic Heartbeat View Post
Welcome from Washington. We will be working on a 72 stepside for a customer that has had Cadillac taillights frenched into the fenders. I will try to remember to post pictures as we go. We will be doing a lot of assembly and wiring on it using the parts that we sell. WES

Thank you for the welcome. I was in Washington last month, in Walla Walla, and drove along the Columbia River to Bonneville Falls, then back to the Hood River Road and down 97 to Bend, Oregon where I stayed the night. The next day, I visited crater Lake - WOW!!! - and then onto Lodi CA. where I overnighted with friends there.

You sure have got some picturesque scenery in the northwest, I'd really like to spend some more time there. Look forward to the photos.

Regards from Down Under.

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