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Old 08-05-2003, 10:13 PM   #21
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Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Bryan, TX
Posts: 32
Maybe I'm just confused then....

Maybe the 86 just doesn't have that much room to work in the back doors

I'm only 6'6"

Even when I remove the door latch (which pulled out one of the nuts that it bolts to when I did it <sigh>) there isn't a whole lot of room to work.

The "scissors" that are used as the window regulator pretty much makes it so that I cannot reach the motor... couple that with the fact that the window only moves 4" I don't have a whole lot of options as to where it goes...

There is an inspection hole just enough so that maybe, just maybe I could get an offset screwdriver in there to undo one of the bolts (if they were screws)

I charge $50 an hour for my service calls... I figure if they save me an hour it's well worth every penny

I never have a problem paying for service, as long as it's reasonable...

Off topic.. paying the plumber $230 to solder up two tee fittings ($1.60 each) to my existing 3/4" pipe that was exposed and ready to go, install 6" of 1/2" pipe (that I provided) to hookup an outside faucet (I provided) connect the two tees with a 2" segement of 3/4" pipe (that I also provided)... and solder on a threaded fitting for my ball valve (for those of you keeping count that's 9 fittings at the most generous count...) seems a bit on the high side...

At least now I know what I did wrong when I tried to do it, and hopefully will do it for the $20 of materials myself next time.

I respect I was paying for his experience though... and having water at the house is a nice thing...

Henry F*rd once had his plant shut down because one of the fuses blew...

He was irate when the electrician came out and handed him a bill for $10 for something he had fixed in under five minutes. (remember.. he was paying workers $5 per day at that time...)

He demanded an explanation, and an itemized receipt...

The electrician kindly did this...

Replacement Fuse ________________5 cents
Knowing which fuse to replace_______$9.95.
1986 GMC Suburban
"Bertha the Big Blue *****"
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