Rust Penetrants Test Results
This may be old news to some but I thought I would pass it along.
I was in a friend of mine's machine shop the other day, and he hands me the following article to read.
Machinist's Workshop magazine tested penetrants for break out torque on rusted nuts. They arranged a subjected test of all popular penetrants, with the control being the torque required to remove the nut from a "scientifically rusted" enviroment. The results are as follows:
Pentrant........ Torque
None 516 lbs.
WD-40 238 lbs.
PB Blaster 214 lbs.
Liquid Wrench 127 lbs.
Kanp Kroil 106 lbs.
ATF/Acetone 53 lbs.
The ATF/Acetone mix was a home brew of 50% Automatic transmission Fluid and 50% Acetone.
Because Acetone evaporates rapidly, the shelf life of this product may be rather short.
After reading this article, I looked to my friend and asked if he had tried it, and did it work. His response was with a big smile. He said he had never seen anything do such a good job.
I have not tried it myself yet, but I am going to give it a go.