Re: CB and Stereo Help
get you some condensers and put one on your hot wire for your cb radio,and get your cb off the fuse box. run you a number 10 wire for your cb radio to the battery,also put a condenser on your alternator. that will stop your whinning in your cb if you run everything off the fuse box you''ll hear your wipers, your blinkers etc. i had to do this with my cb radio and worked quite'll never get rid of your fuel pump noise tho been there tried everthing i could think of,and never got rid of the pump noise.make sure your swrs are good also that helps out with your recieve and transmit,also you won't burn up your radio with high swrs.[stanard wave ratio].you can take the stinger of your antenna and move it up or down to set your swrs also gotta have a meter to do this with. if your swrs are higher on channel 40 then on channel one you need to make yor stinger shorter,if higher on one then on 40 you need to raise your stinger. if you have a fiberglass antenna theres a wire under the cap that you can cut if your antenna needs to be shorter.but if it needs to be made longer then you use a different length coax.make sure that the plastic groment is on top of your antenna brackett also.theres a little ring on the bottom of the groument that sits down in the hole of your bracket.make sure that you tighten up your stud kit so you don't loose your antena but don't crush the plastic groument.