Originally posted by nu2-72
Bring it over this weekend and I will help put it together.
I wish I could Kevin, that would be great.... To bad of the distance
Originally posted by mtdave2
is the netherlands less strickt than germany with car laws? the police would have arrested you in germany for driving with out the bumper and grill!!!]
Well no, they are strickt also, although I don't think I could be arrested for it, but a ticket for sure.
I was almost home when I saw four cops on the other side of a crossing were I was waiting for a red light. My Girl Friend was in front of me with the VW Golf and I drove a little bit closer to the Golf so they could not see it good enough. We were lucky, the light went green and they couldn't do anything about it, I didn't have a licenseplate on it either :p
But I was scared for a minute there...