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Old 08-01-2011, 11:15 PM   #19
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Re: 1966 SBBW pro street i will be doing updates tomorrow we have done a ton of work on the truck lately and as always the direction or look that i was going to go for has changed. I will be leaving a stock looking gate on the truck....I like the way it looks. No murals it just doesn't seem right to do We started tearing down the back end and box...the floor in the cab is well under way...The firewall should be started probaly tomorrow depending on the last of my engine mods, one little change and it cascades from there. When you move the engine back as far as we did even a air cleaner change is a issue. But i think i could reach out and change the timing as I drive it now.......My other truck got the last of the paint on the weekend and i will be posting pictures of that on the long box build page wenesday or thursday....I also messed around on my other long box today swapped out a front end.....looked at the 58 and i think i am going to toss a engine in it and fire it up....Oh and I blew the head gasket on my street dune buggy...another project i really didn't need right now .You know i never thought i would say this but....I am so trucked know by now i could have down loaded the pictures bad
1966 Pro street build[
1958 LS 2 build
1966 SBFS low and go
1966 SBFS street HULK

Poject Low and go gets a 6.2 ltr LSA supercharged with 6 speed automatic

Aluinum Radiator Dealer pm for details
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