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Old 08-02-2011, 07:46 PM   #16
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Re: '70 Drum Brakes; when is rebuilding necessary? what should be done to optimize pe

I just did a complete drum brake job on my 68 GMC. Unbelievable difference!

This is repetitous since it's all been mentioned above but here's what I replaced on mine: (total cost about $250)

New shoes -front and back.
New brake spring kit (4)
New hoses. Three- 2 in front and 1 on the passenger side of the rear axle.
Had the drums turned (IIRC, $7 each)
New inner and outer bearings and seals.
All brake cylinders.

Things you will also need:
Wheel bearing grease and at least 3 cans of brake cleaner for insuring everything is clean. Also look up how to pack the bearings if you're not familiar with the procedure.

Brake adjusting tool (A screw driver will do in a pinch).
Brake spring install tools. (a pair of vise grips and duck bills pliars will do in a pinch)

Plan on the whole weekend. First day to get everything together and having the drums turned. Second day for the actual work.

And be sure and do only one side at a time so you can refer to the other when reinstalling. Take pics also, just to be on the safe side.
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