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Old 08-03-2011, 07:57 AM   #169
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Re: 1954 Chevy / S10

Fat Mike. The way I did it on my panel was just welded the seam and then was going to fill the valley with filler BUT I thought about it and am going to redo it when I get back to working on it. I think with the way the hoods are the filler will crack. So when I did the 1954 I sheared a strip and welded it in. Which I would not do again because the double thickness of the hood makes it not easy the hammer and dolly the hood now. So with learning as you always do, I would shear out a 1 inch wide strip and I would start at the back of the hood and use a slitter wheel the cut out a 1 inch wide strip out of the hood about half way down the hood(where the valley is). Then weld in the strip skipping around . Then you do not have the double thickness. Then work from where you left off and work to where the valley stops. I think trying to do it in 1 piece would be a pain. I would just weld the seam in the front. Then I would grind BOTH sides of the hood that way you could hammer and dolly it and make it flat again because it will warp a little. I am going to redo mine that way. After seeing Kabwe's hood and a couple other 55-59 hood being pancaked (slant section), I want to do maybe a 1 or 1 1/2 inch pancake on mine too.

On another note we got a new addition to our family. This is 8 week old Bailey, a chocolate lab. My 3 kids just love him.
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