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Old 08-03-2011, 08:01 PM   #3
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Re: hard start to start

After you check the choke, you may have to also take the carb off and give a good cleaning, get a carb kit and replace the needle valve and base. It may be that the needle valve is gummed up and/or has debris allowing the gas to leak back out. The kit also has the accelerator pump and some other parts in it like ball bearings, gaskets, that you can replace also.

Another thing that can happen on these quadrajets is leaking jet plugs under the top half. In other words you have to remove the base to see the plugs. Check to see if they've been epoxied up to prevent leaking. If not, you will have to do it.

Caution: they're not the easiest things to work on, so if you're not experienced or this is a daily driver, I'd have someone else do it.
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