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Old 08-04-2011, 04:53 PM   #1
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Bogging at lower rpms

Just the other day my Suburban (350 TBI/ 700R4) developed a bog at lower rpms. First noticed it at a stop light. From being stopped and idling until about 10 mph(don't have a tach to know the rpms) there is a serious bog down happening. Once past the 10 mph, it accelerates like it always has. Also, I notice a slight bog when the tranny upshifts to the next gear. Ie: I am accelerating in third, and it shifts into OD and after the shift when I am first in od there is a bog there. Basically does this at the beginning of every gear, but by far, the worst is from a stop.

What should I be looking for? Already tested the egr as it popped up in a lot of posts causing a bog down.
1995 Suburban K2500 road & towing
1999 Astro, work van
2006 Silverado 2wd 5.3 w/4.5" lift and 33s
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