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Old 08-05-2011, 08:35 AM   #10
Shorty Cox
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Re: cutting the steering shaft.

Sams60GMC, I did mine without a bracket. Well, not really, I built my own bracket, and you will have to also, because, when the power box is properly aligned the front/lower mounting hole will not totally hit the truck frame. Your first step is to mount the box. The stock steering box had three bolts, the power box has four. The common hole for both is the rear/lower hole. Use it to align the box to the frame,steering shaft, and pitman arm to the drag line. Once you have determined that, mark the two upper holes on the frame. It also helps if when you get the doner box, get the rag joint and lower section of the doner truck steering shaft. The inside diameter (ID) of that section is just larger that the outside diameter (OD) of the stock shaft. Once cut, the stock shaft will slide inside the doner shaft making a safe and secure connection.

I did mine several years ago and put a post on here with more detailed steps.

Good luck
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