I have these parts and they need to go go go go.
Steering colum in good shape for a floor shift. 45
Starter 15
Flywheel and clutch with less than 100 miles 140 or seperate
Glovebox door with hinge 15
fusebox out of 72 chevy in good shape 100
4x4 gas pedal setup 25
67 hood, small bow 25
3 insterment clusters 15 each
A set of mirrors (tripod style) 20
Bench seat in need of repair(good frame) 30
door handles and lock 30 a side
passenger window regulator 20
windshelid wiper arms 10 per arm
Windsheild wiper fluid tanks and brackets 7
67 driver fender with small dent and no rust 50
email me @
nt_expert@hotmail.com for anything. Have some other parts but nothin hard to find. Thanks