Thread: Drum Vs. Disc
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Old 08-05-2011, 02:36 PM   #53
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Re: Drum Vs. Disc

THe MPG's really didn't improve until the OD trans started coming, but EFI let them meet emissions at the low lugging RPMs od transmissions allow. They go hand in hand.

Originally Posted by stich626 View Post
efi is better for costly more, not much else..
it was cold start emmissions and idle'n..
untill senquental(sp?) injection came along did the mpg really pick up..
batch fire injection puts fuel at the back of 3 intake valves that are closed and one thats open,,
but back to drums, if they could get the fade issue fixed, with todays abs and mpg goals, a 4 wheel drum system would be king, with 52mpg cafe regs coming don't be shocked if drums system makes a come back with the tires rim bing the drum ..
with todays offsets and the area aval. with 17" plus wheels,
remember everything old becomes new again.. abs/air bags, efi are not new..
just the tech and materials needed came along to make it work..
remember the caddy 4/6/8 , that same idea is the only reason the v8 is still on America's roads inforce..
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