Sure Ill also take some picks tommrow. If you have shaved your door handles go ahead and take out the door hardware so you can get to everything. you can eliminate the part that locks just take a drill and drill out the rivit and toss it you want need it any more. drill a 3/16 in hole in the lever that rotates down and you can put your cable there with the hardware supplied with kit. place the solenoid in the end of the door near the bottom right under the door latch. it is very important to make sure your door opens and closes without any dragging so not too put any stress on your solenoids. you can place your poppers where the rubber bump stop is now, just drill out the hole to match. you will have too do a little forming on the edges of the poppers for best fit. hope this helps good luck. I dont rember who i got the inst. from but thanks. Also you can buy a kit that riggs a wire to the lever so if your batt. dies you can pull it and it will open the door. But for mine i have a place i can hook another 12v sorce to and open the door. Ill post some pics tommrow of the popper location and see if i can get some other shots. If you have any ohter questions just send me a PM.