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Old 08-07-2011, 11:51 AM   #29
The 60-66 GMC/Pontiac guy....
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Re: 1966 LWB Truck 1

Originally Posted by wutnxt View Post
The white cap is growing on me......I kinda thought i would give it a try that way and if i didn't like it i would just make's only paint...I got the engine back in it the bed buttoned up and a bunch of other work to it....but I jumped back and forth on a few other projects..... Then i was thinking I pull the engine back out, and drop my spare 383 crossram in in for a couple of weeks to do a break in and incase i wanna take it goodguy's in spokane later this month. It would be a messed up look...original inside right down to the 4 speed and then a 500 Hp crossram set up....
THAT, my friend, is called a sleeper...
Try it, you might like it.

Building Genuine Pontiac Firepowered cars and trucks for several decades.

Why Pontiac?? That's just me daring to be different.


63 C10 Short Wheel Base fleetside (The Pro-Street) currently under reconstruction.
440CID 2X4 Pontiac
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