I used an A6 compressor out of a 1971 Monte Carlo I junked in 1994. I put some oil in it and every once in a while spun the compressor and made sure it worked.
I adjusted the POA to work with R134a.
I flushed the compressor with modern oil that I purchased from ACkits.vom. BAV Auto 100. It is chartruse in color which helps with leak detection. After 3 or 4 flushes I figured it was good to go.
The evaporator and condensor came out of a junk truck. I flushed them with mineral spirits.
I purchased a new, aftermarket expansion valve from ACkits.com.
A new aftermarket receiver/dryer from ACkits.com.
And a new fan belt from NAPA.
I pulled a vacuum. Let it sit for 30 minutes to make sure I had no leaks, then filled the system with 36 oz. of R134a.