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Old 08-08-2011, 04:06 AM   #10
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Re: Steering woes continued...

hummmm sounds to me like you got either a really well built pump or a later model 71 style pump. I base this on nothing at all, but my 71 would go from lock-to-lock with a flick or a wrist, that easy. SCARY easy. Come to find out they called it some stupid 60's name like hydrasupersist or some bs like that, all truck with the HD leaf package got it on GMC's, not chevys... so its possible chevy never changed bolt patterns and u got one.....

This is what i reccomend, if the steering is easy, thats good. it means everything lubed and working well, if its too "twitchy" your pumps preload is most likely too tight. This is that nut /w/ the allen in the middle, as you look down into the engine compartment thru the open hood..... will post pics when I can, but this adjustment "brings the gears together".... too loose=bump steer (sloppy steering) too tight= overheatings, premature failure, and what is explained as "hot steering".... sense the gears are too close to eachoother they create heat, swell, and become closer, swell, exc exc... this can cause the steering to seem super sensitive at first, but is usually followed by "tracking" as the heat increases as u go down the road....

HOW TO CHECK. Turn the vehicle off, turn the steering shaft from under the hood and feel for free play. u want a good amount of slop in these trucks, do more research for yourself before u go messn with gearsets..... i say "gears" when its really alot more goin on there....

butttt chances are u were just used to the old steering, i recommend a steering stabilizer kit, will do wonders esp for the highway.
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