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Old 08-08-2011, 11:25 PM   #14
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Re: Retro/ time era valve covers??

Take a peek at this thread, especially the 2nd post from Markeb01:

This addresses the pcv question.

As for breathers - if you are gonna run an old manifold with the oil filler tube on it, you can use a breather cap for it.
If not though, then you can add a breather to the valve covers. Would be easy to drill a hole, add a grommet, and stick in a round breather - but it would really detract from the look of the vc.
In my opinion, which means nothing(!) I would recommend something like this for a breather - even on a painted orange steelie vc. These were the "back in the day" breathers:,804.html

Sorry Scottveazie - your reply snuck in between J Cagle's and my reply to him. You outline what the stock set up is - my 283 in my 66 has exactly what you mention. For ref, J Cagle is looking to put in an '84 350 I believe.

Last edited by jocko; 08-08-2011 at 11:32 PM.
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