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Old 08-09-2011, 12:14 AM   #50
Blue Heeler
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Re: Anyone have power steering pump pic's

Finally i figured this crap out. what i bought at long beach swap meet is a power steering pump factory cradle bracket and the brace. the single groove pulley that is needed is part# 509 that will line-up with 283 motor. i found a guy who had all "NOS" parts that's "new old ****" but he was nuts!!!!!! he wanted $500 bucks for a pulley because he says his are the best and not bent!! hell i can buy another truck for that price. I had fun checking stuff out and even brought a bunch of stuff to sell. I'll post some pictures of the install soon as my steering sleeve comes in. here's a couple of pic's with a friend of mine we were both selling 60-66 truck and suburban parts.
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