Re: How To Video, LSx Wiring Swap Harness, 99-02 Truck Harness: 4 Wire Hookup
Originally Posted by DirtyLarry
Nice work but personally, the last thing on earth I would use on any LSX swap would be a factory GM takeout harness. The factory hecho en Mexico GM harnesses supplied by Delphi have plenty of wiring issues of their own (poor crimps, unprotected splices, etc ) even before molesting them. The 1999-2002 donor truck harnesses are getting old now where the wires are stiff and weather pack connectors are getting brittle from engine heat. If you live in the salt belt you can count on corrosion issues too. I wouldn’t touch one! A quality aftermarket harness from one of many suppliers would be the best $500 you could spend on a LSX swap.
But hey, if it works for you then all is good. 
Where do you think the suppliers get their harnesses? you send them your factory harness and they do what these guys did in the video. the only difference is that you save 500$ only harness that new is from painless and IMO way too expensive. or you can get a bran new harness from GM for 2700$ the wires in my 2000 harness with 200k on it look and feel bran new.
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