I ran the wires for mine underneath the flat stop bar (I guess that is what it is) that goes between the door and the cab. I used a dab of clear silicone to hold the wires in place.
If that makes no sense, let me know and I'll try to get over to the storage shed and snap some pics.
Custom Classics makes a wireless adapter to run the wires into the door. Here. I'm pretty sure I've seen the same thing in JC Whitney and at the local stereo store.
Just for the record, if I'm down to my last potato, I'm not sharing it with a guy who wants to kill me so he can get a better supply of virgins in paradise. That lesson is a little thing I call Economics 101, infidel style.
--Scott Adams author of Dilbert
Last edited by Earl Junior; 08-07-2003 at 12:18 PM.