12 Bolt 3.73 Posi Bundle... Worth a fart?
Having my 12 bolt rear rebuilt and I'm trying to keep costs down while maintaining a respectable level of strength/dependability. I found this on Ebay and I don't know if it's worth purchasing. I've email the seller with questions, but reviews on the products are all positive. Any feedback?
2008 Yamaha Zuma 50cc - Daily Driver
1979 Chevrolet Bonanza SWB; 357ci, TH400, 3.73 Posi - Daily Driver
1976 Chevrolet Sport Van SWB; 355ci, TH350, 2.73 Open - Rape Free 
1972 Oldsmobile Cutlass S; 455ci, TH400, 2.73 Open - SOLD (but I still claim to own it from time to time)