For you Air Ride guys....
no matter what your set up is (MII, S10, Clip, etc)
what bag size (diameter in inches) are you guys running up front???
Im putting my '50 on an s10 frame (350/700r4) and just ordered some Slam RE7s (yesterday), but am wondering about the ride with the larger bag.
it was between the RE6 or RE7. i went with the RE7 based on "here say" from the s10 forum...but what i DONT want it tooooo soft a ride.
Some say a 6" dia. bag rides too stiff do to higher PSI at ride height and the
7" dia. bag rides smoother.
Im not building some 450hp motor, but i do drive pretty hard at times and dont want a "floaty boat/old caddy" feel, but dont want to be too rough up front either.
"When in Rome we shall do as the Romans,...when in Hell we do shots at the bar."