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Old 08-12-2011, 03:02 PM   #5
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Re: Hard to crank...

Some times on older carbs the accelerator pump will let gas bleed back out of the carb when sitting awhile. I have a few that do this, lol. You just basically keep punching the pedal repeatedly until it fires up. Its bc you have no gas in the bowl and have to wait until enough gas is pumped back into your carb. Not sure if thats your problem though. It also sounds like your selenoid on your starter is spazing out when its get hot from cranking on the truck for extended periods. When it cools a bit it works againg. Probably just from cranking on it to long. Good luck with all your little issues. A wise old man once told me it was the little things that will get you, so just be patient. I am still working on that, lol
Preserving American History one truck at a time.

Last edited by wiggins; 08-12-2011 at 03:10 PM.
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