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Old 08-12-2011, 03:36 PM   #1
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It's official, flatbed 59 coming

I just thought I'd toss this out there for no other reason than my wife does not understand my sickness. Maybe I'll get a little moral suport here.
I've decided to turn my 59 3200 Apache Fleetside into a flatbed. I'm going to stick with my #1 rule when building bikes. "Function Over Fashion" I use my truck mostly in the following order for;
a) Home improvement store runs
b) Helping friends move a bike
c) Chase truck on motorcycle runs
d) Semi daily driver
e) Looking cool/good
After looking at all of the options, I feel most comfortable spending my budget on suspension, steering, wheels and tires, fabrication of the flatbed and finally cosmetics.
As a bonus I do like being a bit different than the average truck, bike, car builder. Of course I plan to make it look presentable and not some hacked up shade tree fab job.
Feel free to beat me about the head and shoulders with yuor thoughts.
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