Originally Posted by tttuba
I again come to the wealth of knowledge that is this group. I have a 47 GMC with a 216 in it. Trying to do a tune up. Installed the electronic ignition in the distributor and now trying to time the engine. Cant find any timing marks or something to measure the timing. OK is there a spot to look at the timing? I can time my El Camino or my old mustang when I had it but I don't find any marks on this engine. Help please.
There is a 2" hole with a pointer in the middle just above the starter. On the flywheel there are marks that look like ||0||. 0 being the mark you line up on.
On the dist clamp are some lines by the bolt that hold the dist in. There is a correspnding line on the pad next to the dist bolt. Loosen the clamp that holds the dist and loosen the bolt that holds the advance unit to the block.
Center the line on the advance unit to the line on the block. Tighten the block bolt. Center the flywheel marks on the 0 and turn the dist to point to #1. Once started use a timing light to center the pointer to the 0. Tighten the screw that clamps the dist to the advance unit. Thats it.
The lines on the block and advance unit are what was called an Octane selector. So once its timed you can bump it up or down depending on what octane you run and not mess up the timing.