Originally Posted by mknittle
I think it would be like driving a pinball. on top of being twitchy that shaft would be constantly extending and contracting in a radius so you have up and down and front to rear movement on that steep angle! I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole. Too much stress on the steering box and firewall. not to mention those little universal joints aren't designed to take a linear load like that..
just my opinion from 20 years of working for a company building scientific testing machines.
I'm not sure it would be any "twitchier" than any other rack and pinion setup IF the caster is properly set to whatever spec's No Limit recommends. No Limit has a pretty saavy Engineer for an owner and I've not known their products to be slipshod at all. As for stressing the box? THe truck isn't any heaqvier than other vehicles that use R&P. I guess I don't understand why the concern?
Anyone on the board have experience with this setup?