Originally Posted by Dan in Pasadena
I'm not sure it would be any "twitchier" than any other rack and pinion setup IF the caster is properly set to whatever spec's No Limit recommends. No Limit has a pretty saavy Engineer for an owner and I've not known their products to be slipshod at all. As for stressing the box? THe truck isn't any heaqvier than other vehicles that use R&P. I guess I don't understand why the concern?
Anyone on the board have experience with this setup?
stressing the box from the weight of the truck wasn't my concern it's the steering shaft that i don't like. if it were if the expansion joint were to bind on a freeway at any speed something would have to give. And I would n' want to be the one holding the steering wheel.And just think of the violent shaking that box gets. Just go out on a freeway and watch how much the wheels on the car next to you move up and down and how quickly they change direction.