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Old 08-14-2011, 08:06 PM   #2
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Re: Need a quick answer

For a quick answer, sight unseen - unless you can do all of the rest of the work to finish it yourself, you might want to look elsewhere. Many guys underestimate the cost of all the finish work and everything else but the drive train. If you have to pay mechanics and body guys to finish this truck, you will spend many thousands of dollars more to get it really nice. I also assume that you are not familiar with the mechanical ability of the current owner - was everything rebuilt correctly or will it need rework? If you have mechanical ability and would like to spend hundreds of hours working on an old square (like the rest of us), then go for it. Otherwise, nice restored squares are available in the $3K -$5K range - ready to drive and show off. I always advocate southwest US for a good rust free starting point. Example (only 2WD, I know, but 4wds are out there):
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