Thread: Blazer Hood
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Old 08-15-2011, 04:43 PM   #9
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Re: Blazer Hood

I had the same problem after I removed my front clip and then reinstalled it with different fenders. My hood never moved before I removed it. After much experiemntation I found out how to get rid of the side to side shimmy.

First. you must make sure that your hinges are adjusted such that the hood sits snugly with your fenders, compressing the rubber bumpers that are located in the fenders. You may also have to adjust the depth at which the hood pin latches to the core support to achieve the proper fit. Secondly, and most importantly, you need to adjust the height of the two rubber hood bumpers on the core support such that the hood is actually contacting BOTH of them snugly when the hood pin is fully engaged in the core support latch. This removed ALL movement in my hood, and it opens and closes nicely. Hope that helps.
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