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Old 08-16-2011, 02:08 PM   #4
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Re: Best Donner choice for a 59 Apache build

There are all sorts or reasons to do the swap. Mine was because my original frame was bent. I am using a 1980 SWB Chevy 1/2 frame and like the idea of power brakes, steering, A-frame and the ability to order OEM parts now and down the road. It should also make a very driveable truck.

There are a ton of posts on this subject and you should spend some time searching and exploring the options. Then get your tape measure out and start measuring things for yourself.

If I would have known before I got as far as along as I am I might have considered kits.

One kit uses the 77-90 Caprice frame and the other the 73-87 Chevy pickup frame with prices at $1495 and $795, respectively.

There are also, as I now know, many aftermarket front end kits that basically bolt or weld to your original frames and can make a very driveable truck.

There is also a strong case to be made to keep it original but the choice is all yours.

Good luck.

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