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Old 08-16-2011, 09:12 PM   #1
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My73 won't start. Shifter loc + Ignition switch? Battery=great. Fuses=OK,

Fantastic site, glad to have found it!

I am back to college in a week and need my truck.

I have a grand 73 GMC Truck. Love the way it was made and the motorheads since then. I am not a motorhead myself, but will smartly tinker where I can. Fine work has been done on her, described as "old school".

1) For about 12 starts the gear shifter must be held in upper left (P)while turning ignition. Also, the shroud about the column at the gear selector, has a about a 1/4 - 1/8 inch looseness where I can slide toward dash. Now, no crank-over, no lights.

I checked fuses. I found the NS Switch. I tried to start in Neutral, no change. I am also told it is in the steering linkage??

Truly any help is most appreciated. Thank You!
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