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Old 08-17-2011, 06:11 PM   #40
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Re: 66 GMC Fleetside Okie Daily Driver

Ran into a few snags, the hot weather has kept us from painting the tailgate and the RF Fender but we managed a few other things,

1. had to completely rewire the dash, the circuit board was toast so we learned how to do a few other things........

Got the headlights installed (had to come up with our own headlight adjusters but the fix was better than the original design....

My front hubs are out being drilled for 5 x 4.75" the rear hubs also, this puppy will soon be back on the 17" Cragars and michelin tires, I think it will set it off.

Tomorrow is the big day, will take it to lunch for a test drive, hope it does well will let you know. Kieth
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