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Old 08-08-2003, 02:07 PM   #4
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i "aquired" it... and lets leave it at that.. haha. you might be able to find them on ebay or at military auctions (though they will probably only sell the whole truck).. they are trying to phase out the Cucvs... I am in the National Guard and happen to be in good with the Sgt that runs the local motor pool. he was sending all the Cucvs (4 trucks and 1 or 2 blazers) to auction, he let me strip some things off that i wanted, including the brush guard, ant mount and tow hooks (they are larger than what come no the hmmwvs).... as far as where you could get one i dont know, might try calling the closest Guard Motor pool and see if they happen to have some Cucvs they are getting rid of they wouldnt mine parting with a few things.... but cant promise that would work.
1982 Chevy Silverado 350/th350.... RETIRED
1993 Jeep XJ 2 door(Cherokee) 4wd 4.0ltr/AX-15 (5spd)/NP231
Oklahoma Roll Call
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