Re: Craigslist Story: Opinions Wanted
I want to be on the sellers side. I dont see the typical resale clues except the spray bombing of the engine compartment, firewall, inners, booster, brake valve even the hoses all got the same coating. The interior work is nice and you dont chrome a 62 grille without liking the truck a whole lot. The bed kit was put in after a paint job, it wasnt taped off, which takes time. the body is super straight, not surprising for sacramentos climate.
and all engines use oil, especially v8s. now a quart low without checking, thats a lot. but my 99 suburban needs a half a quart every now and again, usually depends on the outside temp. those chrome valve covers sometimes leak right onto the headers and you'll never see it. I cant check in on the "new" engine but unless he has receipts might want to assume its not new. if it doesnt smoke and runs well, thats about the checking you can do. take him up on the compression check if you are still worried.
nice truck. if its not all rotted out, probably worth the money.