Hi guys,
The hernia op went well, from 10 to 11 a.m. Friday 19th. They kept me in hospital until five p.m. and my son picked me up and drove me home. It's really difficult to get in and out of bed and onto and off the couch, but it's a lot easier today (Sunday) than it was yesterday.
I'm thinking of the Aussies meeting at Beaconsfield today but I'll be there next month. Doubly frustrating is that my new toy arrived last Thursday. I bought it in June this year in Washington state and drove it down to 'Frisco to the shipper. The ship was due in Melbourne on August 8 but did not arrive until last weekend (12th/13th) and only cleared Customs on Thursday.
I got to drive it home from Clayton and park it in the garage and the following day, I had my op. Obviously, I am not allowed to drive anything for about a week until I heal sufficiently enough to be able to stomp on a brake pedal without any pain.
So all I can do is look at it and maybe give it a wash. Will post some photos when I know how.
Regards from Down Under.