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Old 08-20-2011, 08:21 PM   #3
Double Stack
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Re: 1970 C10, 4x4, 4 speed overheating/ clutch adjustment

Thanks for the reply man. I don’t have a clutch pedal stop inside the cab, and right now I a little over two and a half inches of travel. I could only see one bushing and it could probably use replacing. I did notice that the bar/shaft connecting to the engine is off it’s rest/ bushing which is probably because the nut on the other side of the arm closest to the frame/fender was put back on without a washer. That’s the spot that has the bushing for sure. Here are a couple pics. In the last pic it looks like there’s two marks were it had been adjusted before. Should I just put it back?

My revers is decent, but I have a habit of throwing it in to 5th (in my 91 mustang) because it doesn’t have a sincro for revers. Still it’s better than 1st and 2nd. Sometimes it plane wont go into second so I have to clutch it in third. I don’t have a buddy around today, but I will check as soon as I can.

Thanks again, and back at yea about the truck!!

Also, I picked up a new 160F thermostat and installed it. Then picked up vacuum tester to try and adjust my timing as a buddy told me a timing light wouldn’t work for a performance cam that I don’t know the specs of. I adjusted my distributer to the middle of the green on the gauge, loosened my throttle linkage to lower the ideal, and it’s still over heating. I think I’m done for the day!!
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Last edited by Double Stack; 08-20-2011 at 08:31 PM.
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