Originally Posted by mcbassin
Great looking kid Nate! You got that boy some wrenches yet? 
Thanks Mike!
He's got a few tool sets already, just needs to get his depth perception down a little better and he's ready to wrench.
Originally Posted by Ridnhi
Nate- I just read your build, it took me last night and today to do so. I didn't have any idea when you were talking about your truck the other day that it was so nice. I wish you would have bragged a little more. That is one sweet ride. Congrats on the build and on the baby! I will definitley keep track of the rest of your build and hopefully the next one =)
Thanks E!
It's been a labor of love, but this will be a truck I "plan" to keep for a long time due to it's originality and MO roots. Can't wait to see what the future holds for the next project, but first I have to finish our son's tot rod. Priorities.