Originally Posted by stealthy '69
The truck's coming along nicely! I really like the center console you made up for the shifter. I may have missed it, but what year is it? I'd like to see some better shots of the grille too. One last request,  What are the stats on the drop? Air, static, amount?
The truck is 67 but we changed out the cab for a 70 so that we would have a big window and the low hump. I will try to get some better shots of the grill next time I am there. We took an old 67 grill cut out the center an made some changes. As far as the drop go it is a static drop. We found a new set of DJM control arms and rear springs that a fellow builder had and we traded a seat for. I am thinking the front is dropped about 3 inches but I forgot to measure the front before we changed out the original arms.