Thread: Rattle hunt
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Old 08-25-2011, 05:58 PM   #5
Hollister Road Co.
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Re: Rattle hunt

Not that this will help but years ago in the mid 60's my dad had a Ford that had a clunk in the rear and it took months to find. They finally got to the point that they knew it was in the quarter panel area in the trunk and cut a hole in the inside panel. They found a coke bottle hanging on a string with a note in it that said "Glad you finally found it. That noise was driving me crazy." On the same car they found a screw driver in the trans pan on the first oil & filter change.

Odd hard to find noises always remind me of that bottle.

More to the point on my 72 I had the bumper bolts on the right side get a little loose and caused a rattle.
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