Assorted Questions
Just a few curiousity questions?
when its really hot out like 105-110 degrees out my oil pressure will sometimes vary.could that just be the extreme heat thinning out the oil which would account for the slight pressure variation or is it a sign of maybe a weak or bad oil pump.
also when its really hot out my truck will sometimes lose power especially going up a hill and when it does it the temp will be reading like 210-220.what is it called when it does that and is there anything i can do to prevent it?
just a couple for now if i think of more ill ask
I'd rather push a Chevy than drive a Ford
The Beast-1978 C10 LWB
Red-1978 C10 LWB
(Uncle Mike)Michael Henry Millett 11/5/1957 to 03/08/2012
Gone but will never be forgotten-RIP
(Uncle Chuck)Charles Manning Gulbronsen Sr 1956-2012
Taken from us to soon but you will live on in our hearts-RIP