Thread: my 47 build
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Old 08-25-2011, 11:27 PM   #8
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Re: my 47 build

I have looked and looked and looked and get 2 answers all the time on the gas tank. I am told the 47 and 48 were under the bed and moved to behind the seat in 49. Some tell me it was behind the seat all the time. I have seen pictures of it both ways. So my preference would be under the bed on the right side and then I can get the seat all the way back. I need those couple inches of room. I bought the tank and hardware from one of the larger suppliers. Only thing I am changing is I put a sending unit in the tank that has the gas tube out the top. That way if I ever have a leak in the line I wont lose all the gas. Just what is in the line.
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