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Old 08-26-2011, 12:46 AM   #5
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Location: Surgoinsville,Tennessee
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Re: Heater control problem from a newbie help!!

Thanks guys for the help and routing of wire diagram. I tested my wiring and I have no brown wire that I can see coming from anywhere out of the fuse box or harness. I have a mess under the dash the previous owner added a tach, gauges and a CD player and cut the dash so I really have a project! Also if 10 inches of wire was needed he just used a big long piece and crammed it up under the dash I have had a time just trying to sort out what everything is and shorting it down and adding proper connections and removing the "duct tape" covered splices, Oh what a wonderful time under there!! Anyway I cannot find any brown wire coming out of the fuse box apparently it has been cut out I don't know I guess it comes out the back of the fuse box and continues on from there? I have no wire going to the heater blower switch at all. But I do have a new wiring harness with orange,blue and yellow wire coming out of switch and running to resistor then an orange wire going out fire wall to blower. I ran a hot wire out of the fuse box and done a temporary splice on the wire going from resistor to blower to see if I had power running back through the resistor and I did so I think the switch out is OK and the blower would run at one speed. My problem I think from the diagram is that I do not have a brown(hot) wire going to blower switch so no power, right? Can I just run a jumper off of the heater fuse over to the switch to get power? Is there a terminal on the switch to hook it to? I am not the worlds best at wiring so I hate to sound so stupid with the questions. If I remember right the harness that plugs into the switch only has 3 wires and the switch has 4 terminals how do I hook to it and where? Again sorry for the simple questions I just don't do wiring that well. Somebody please tell me if a jumper wire is the way to go about this or if this is even right? Thanks Robert DeBord "A NEWBIE CONFUSED"
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