PROJECT LOW DOUGH -1967 shortbed
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08-29-2011, 11:20 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: kansas city mo
Posts: 898
Re: PROJECT LOW DOUGH -1967 shortbed
Well I have been working very very hard on the truck the past two weeks. I dont think I am going to make the cut to have it looking just okay enough to go to Good Guys and probably not even to the truck nationals. We will see though.. i am still working hard. Since its probably not going to get done I am posting some pictures.
This is the test hood.. Its two layers of satin rustoleum black and two layers of gloss safety red. Then I wetsanded the living crap out of it. It looks dull and weathered now. I actually like it alot.
No on to getting the rest of the body fixed up.. I only set myself on fire twice welding so thats pretty goood for a rookie LOL..
Project "Edna Marie"
2014 Dodge Ram
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