Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Just a little per day these days. Working alone is no biggie. But the heat creeps up on these old bones (and skin!). Today, I had to pull the radiator because the bolt for the front clip passes thru the core support right below where the rad lives...Drat!!! Put on and plumbed the windshield washer rez. At least from the rez itself thru the firewall and up to the motor. Two chunks to be connected after the front clip goes on. Finally hooked up the tach wire. Got a new air cleaner/carb gasket. bent the windshield washer nozzels to fit properly under the cowl.
Determined I didn't want to spin the Vintage Air compressor....I was going to go 90 degrees to the left. But it was too much of a hassle....pull the valve covers, move the fuel line, etc. VA said "okay" to the move, as it was going to be (the nut in the body of the compressor) a little lower than horizontal. But, I figured, why mess with it now.
A little every day.
Coarsegold, CA
RAT's shiny now.
But always a rat.