Originally Posted by 1952ssr
Well got the truck aligned today, and guys a word of warning. My truck was almost to low to do. Me and the shop guy had to pull out on the front of the front fenders to allow the tire reflector mounting bars to clear when he turned it left or right.
52SSR I have a Hunter alignment machine that lets me tilt the front heads to a certain point but I run into cars that the front spoiler or the lower part of the fender gets in the way.I did alignments before the computers and still have a bubble gauge and tape measure, a toe bar is simple to make also.
I can go old school if needed.
I want to get one of these bad boys for the school but they aint cheap
If you could find some one with this type of system(they've been around a few years) I'm pretty sure low and fenders aren't a problem since the laser beam comes from in font of the vehicle and not going across the front under the car.
Thanks for the intake tip I am going to pick up a 4"-3" adapter this weekend I racked my brain earlier this spring trying to come up with an Idea.