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Old 09-01-2011, 12:32 AM   #13
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Re: New vs. building old one

I vote build.

I got my Dodge pickup repo'd in early 2009, with payments I could not afford any after market parts for it anyways. I was within a couple grand of having it payed off, I just put a new water pump on it as well as new tires.

Backup to losing the job, this company was a contractor in this mine since the 60's and the summer I started they said there will be no layoffs, it was a very secure job. One monday they were handing out pink slips, I will never finance ANYTHING again, walking sucks.

To relate to the truck you are buying, I was given a 2007 GMC Sierra to cruise around in by my father in law. Dont get me wrong, it was a nice truck but I was glad to give it back. The new was worn off within a few months, the gadgets that were cool in the beginning were pissing me off. I could not use the truck for anything, it was too pretty. Gas mileage was not so great either.

A/C is nice but unless you are Elderly its not going kill you. We have an 07 Mustang and alot of times we end up cruising the 85 GMC around in the heat with no A/C. You can always fix it later, thats the beauty of not having a car payment and cheap ass insurance.

As far as reliability.... My 85 sat in my uncles front yard in Apache Junction for 15 years, I picked it up on a car trailer in March of 2010. Hard to believe but we put a battery in it and poured gas down the carb and the SOB started and idled. I borrowed a grand and got all the basics like a carb overhaul, brakes and the cooling system fixed. Had some engine trouble I fixed with 5 bucks worth of pushrods and some ingenuity, Engine is still running today.

I hitched up a 25 year old truck that had been sitting for 15 years to a trailer full of everything I owned and drove it from Ruidoso Nm to Reno Nv this time last year. That trip was over 1,000 miles through extreme heat and it made it.

I have been driving the truck daily for a while, I take it on trips all the time. In fact I am getting ready to drive it from Reno to Springerville Az some time this week and am totally confident.
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