Re: New vs. building old one
I built mine because i like it better than the new trucks. new trucks have the newest technology, gadgets and warranties. if thats really important to you, go new.
I drive my 78 C20 everywhere. I goto bama fairly regulary its about 170 miles one way on the freeway, going 75MPH. I've also made the trip to south Florida and to houston texas in it from north GA.
I know more about my truck than i do my focus, because I never have done anything serious working on my focus. Also when something does go wrong, i almost always know what it is before i even get stopped. so in that way i trust the truck better. plus parts for my truck are cheaper and seem to be IN STOCK at stores way more than the focus stuff. I mean, a small block chevy, it doesnt get any more common than that.
I drive my truck everywhere I go, unless ill be leaving it somewhere shady for more than an hour or two. then i take the focus, its the expendable