Originally Posted by SBTork
2 years ago I sold my '06 Silverado and bought my '85 Suburban. Best decision i've made in a while. I paid on the '06 for 3 years and had 3 years left but was dead sick and tired of having a payment, so I sold it and broke even. No loss, was a 0% loan. I am much happier with the old "junk" and no payment 
Pretty much did the same thing in 05' with my new Silverado. I was buying a new truck every year or two running on the credit hamster wheel. I bought a OBS 2000 crew cab for $5000.00 cash. I drove it for 3 years and sold it for $6000.00 to buy my current truck for $7500.00 cash which was a 190K mile Cummins Dodge. I'm going on owning it for almost 3 years and have 217K miles most with a trailer behind it. I have had to replace a A/C hose, fix the starter, and put an injection pump on it for a total of about $1500.00